People Development in times of Digitalization and Industry 4.0

Are Digitalization and Industry 4.0 buzzwords that create a hype, which will disappear like other hypes do? Companies, which are already in the Change Process tell us, that we should not wait but react accordingly.

People Development is as well effected and is asked to prepare for the change. Despite some threats, Digitalization and Industry 4.0 include significant chances and opportunities for People Development.


Leaders need support, so that they can actively manage the Change Process:

  • Digestion of the drastic changes of the Businessmodells and -processes in the Organisation
  • Work in virtual and autonomic Teams
  • Leadership in flat Hierarchies and in Matrix Organizations
  • Communication with clients in times of Social Media and Evaluation Platforms

In the VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) People Development is subject to drastic changes:

  • People Development will happen in a more decentralized way
  • People Development will take place more in the Business individually
  • Employees will have more ownership and responsibility for the own development
  • Necessary decisions about the nature of development measures will be more with the employees and their bosses 

This lead to great opportunities for People Development in the future:

  • more involvement of the business clients in the conception of People Development Programs
  • more taking into account individual client needs 
  • more development of personality and development of Leadership skills instead of focus on Tool Trainings
  • more focus on competencies which are necessary for work in Projects


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  • #1 (Montag, 20 August 2018 21:05)

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